❤ IMAGINE: un vêtement sur mesure ❤


Win a VIP fitting between friends

 Because we want to pamper you and share a unique moment with you,

 Because we want to thank you for being more and more numerous to recommend us,

 Because you definitely have the best bridesmaids in the world,

We offer you to win a special moment: We privatize our shop just for you and your gold witnesses and welcome you with champagne and gourmet sweets for a fitting with friends (bride or witnesses, or both ) .

To participate:
🍀 Follow the Facebook and/or Instagram page
🍀 Like the post and share to double your chances
🍀 Comment by tagging the girlfriends you want to share this moment with

>> draw on January 23 😘

We will contact you to choose together the date and time of this exclusive moment! 😍

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