❤ IMAGINE: un vêtement sur mesure ❤

Floral skirt
Floral skirt
Floral skirt
Floral skirt

Floral skirt

Regular price €289,00
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Simple but refined, our Flora skirt and its lace finishes goes perfectly with all our lace tops.

We fell in love with its pretty fabric buttons and its train lined with lace braid.

  • Waistline: 70cm (XS), 76cm (S), 82cm (M), 88cm (L), 94cm (XL)
  • Skirt length without braid: 110 cm (XS, S, M, L, XL)
  • Train length: 163 cm (XS), 165 cm (S), 167 cm (M), 169 cm (L), 171 cm (XL)

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